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HomeGrow Taller TipsNatural somatropin: why and how to boost its production by our body?

Natural somatropin: why and how to boost its production by our body?

Do you know about natural somatropin and its benefits to our body? Also known as growth hormone or GH (Growth Hormone), natural somatropin is a natural molecule responsible for the development of many processes in our body, such as physical growth in children, the development of muscle mass in adults, and many others. Its secretion decreases as we age. Thus, it is essential to stimulate its production for our well-being.

Natural somatropin: a hormone with multiple functions

Synthesized in the pituitary gland, somatropin influences our body, whether in children or adults. It participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.

Muscle hypertrophy

When you see athletes with well-developed muscles, tell yourself that natural somatropin is one of the factors. Indeed, its production allows muscle mass gain. And not only that! This hormone makes muscle tone more pronounced and helps strengthen ligaments and tendons. It also ensures physical performance.

Weight loss

Natural somatropin encourages our body to draw on fat reserves to carry out all the metabolisms in which it participates. This results in a reduction of fat mass and thus weight loss in the individual. Moreover, this slimming effect of natural somatropin is highly prized by many Hollywood celebrities to quickly lose a few extra pounds while obtaining a firm body.

Slowing down the skin aging process

Cell regeneration allows our body to maintain its longevity and natural somatropin plays a big role in this. Our body owes part of the firmness and elasticity of our skin to this hormone.

Other beneficial effects

Natural somatropin also allows:

  • Hair growth;
  • Decrease in blood pressure;
  • Alleviation of feelings of fatigue (it boosts our energy);
  • Improved sleep quality, etc.

Our tips for boosting natural somatropin production

Eat healthy

Nothing is more effective than adopting a healthy and balanced diet to ensure the production of somatropin. Put at least 5 fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. Natural activators are particularly present in pineapple, oilseeds, virgin coconut oil and dark chocolate.

Do a one-time fast

Fasting is also an effective way. Don’t worry, it’s scientifically proven. You just have to do it intermittently. During the fasting period, our body gets rid of dead cells and toxins and in return increases the secretion of natural somatropin.

Practice physical exercises

Yoga and strength training are among the most effective exercises to optimize the secretion of natural somatropin. Strength training increases somatropin production 400 times. Good exercises to do include running and the elliptical trainer. Practice 4 times a week.

Get enough sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential for our body. Go to sleep no later than midnight and get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day to ensure good health and increase your production of natural somatropin. Remember that the latter is synthesized during our sleep.



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